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Mediterranean Salad

Serves 3




4 sml Raw Salmon

2 x Garlic Clove

½ Tbsp Dried Oregano (Rubbed)

½ handful Fresh Italian Parsley

Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Tbsp Lemon Juice

1 punnet Cherry Tomatoes

¼ cup Green Olives

¼ cup Creamy Feta

½ med Cucumber

¼ med Red Onion


Mediterranean Salad

Serves 3




4 sml Raw Salmon

2 x Garlic Clove

½ Tbsp Dried Oregano (Rubbed)

½ handful Fresh Italian Parsley

Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Tbsp Lemon Juice

1 punnet Cherry Tomatoes

¼ cup Green Olives

¼ cup Creamy Feta

½ med Cucumber

¼ med Red Onion


Mediterranean Salad

Serves 3




4 sml Raw Salmon

2 x Garlic Clove

½ Tbsp Dried Oregano (Rubbed)

½ handful Fresh Italian Parsley

Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Tbsp Lemon Juice

1 punnet Cherry Tomatoes

¼ cup Green Olives

¼ cup Creamy Feta

½ med Cucumber

¼ med Red Onion


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Local, balanced, adaptable.

Local, balanced, adaptable.

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Get access to 300+ recipes for free today!

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And over 3000 recipes with our Recipe+ subscription.

And over 3000 recipes with our Recipe+ subscription.

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Linda Recipe Pack

Linda Duncan

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Zoe Recipe Pack
Zoe Recipe Pack

Zoe Hobbs

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